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Month: February 2015

e27 Speak the F*^% Up (Guilty Bystander)

Almost a continuation of the last episode, Frank is both pumped and pissed all at the same time. Learn the 3 groups involved in the fate of your practice, who’s with you and who’s against you and who is on who’s side. You can’t grow your practice with any chiropractic marketing until you understand a thing or two about these three groups. Tune in, buckle up and get the hot dope on what Frank has in store for you next.

e26 Put Up or Shut the F*^% Up!

Frank is both FIRED UP and PISSED OFF all at the same time. “If you’re engaging in chiropractic marketing or any practice growth and it’s not fun, you hate what you do!” is one of the themes discussed in this unscripted, unorthodox podcast Frank does off-the-cuff without so much as a script or outline. Join Frank as he steps it up to levels unknown of motivation and decision on whether you are in or out in terms of what you’re doing in practice. WARNING: Not for the meek, weak, unmotivated or especially the victim!