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Category: Episodes

e52 Nursing Your Passion Back to Contagion with Melissa Henderson, RN

Forget delegating tasks, how do you delegate passion and instill yours at a high level in your staff AND patients too? Tune in to Frank as he interviews an old friend who is an RN for 23 years and has every degree of passion you wish all your staff and patients had even a fraction of. Join Frank and Melissa Henderson as they discuss successful team building, function and care, and the contagion of passion to help others. Listen now!

e51 The Secret Laser-Precise New Patient Attractor with Amy Cutter

Join Frank and his special guest Amy Cutter, licensed massage therapist and innovator of Laser treatment, and referrals from MD’s and other wellness professionals, with no prompting or solicitation, just with a gleaming reputation for results. Find out how her practice innovation opened the door to an entire new realm of possibility in terms of cases, ones she would not have encountered otherwise and find out the numerous cases that await you who you would otherwise never see. All of these people who elude you in your community can yet become your lifetime patients. And the doctors who aren’t referring to you, could be without your ever reaching out. Learn all this and more from Frank’s interview with Amy live in the studio. Tune in now!

e50 How to Create an Army of Patient Referral Ambassadors

Do you find that your patients don’t refer as much as you like, or at all, despite your best efforts, research and coaching? Are you a referral-based practice but feel you should be getting more? Have you concluded patients just don’t refer and neither do any of your other contacts in your locale, in your networking groups or professional community? Well, you’re not only going to learn what the real issue is that’s been eluding your efforts to solve it but learn how to create a patient referral army in the process. Join Frank as he discusses further into why the true screening process pervades existing patients and their ability to refer and how the game-changer is already under your existing roof! Tune in now!! So stand tall, face forward and listen hard as you take your understanding of the results you get with patients to beyond the scope of your sights

e49 How to Turn Perfect Strangers Into Perfect Patients

Almost a sequel, but more of an undercut to episode 48 and the coverage of the whole “being the voice inside people’s heads” thing. Frank takes you inside the primary step in encountering “perfect strangers” in the community, gives you keen insight into what makes them tick, and how to get through to them enough for them to take the next step with you and all but guarantee every appoitment you book arrives, totally interested, and hungry for answers. Join Frank now and learn how to have a perfect record with turning perfect strangers into perfect patients!

e48 How to Be the Voice Inside People’s Heads

This is the big one! Join Frank as he reveals the details of what’s missing from the relationship between you and those who don’t yet know you, and even many of those who do. Find out the exact reasons why people refuse you, or accept an offer from you and then bail. Find out what you can do to not only bridge the gap between you, but reach the ultimate goal of being the voice inside their head, the go-to- of their thinking and decisions when it comes to health and how to turn that into a lifetime patient relationship. Listen in now!

e45 Managing Patient Relationships in Volume with Jim Higgins

Join Frank as he talks about managing patient relationships with patients through relevant communication and contacting people in a way they want and relate to. Find out how Jim Higgins went from being a patient to helping doctors reach 80 million patients and counting, reduce missed appointments and no-shows by more than 50% and predict the future of patient interaction. It’s all here in this action-packed episode for practice growers of all shapes and sizes. Tune in now!

e43 What to Do When Insurance Doesn’t Pay with Adria Gross

Join Frank and his guest Adria Gross as she discusses the ins and outs of her advocacy for those who should be covered by insurance but have difficulty getting paid. Find out the real score behind the scenes in insurance companies and how Adria, when she worked in claims, was first taught to deny them! Don’t miss this killer episode! For more information visit Adria’s website AND visit the Medical Insurance Advocacy website.

e41 Nailing the ROF, Rob Marvenko, DC

Join Frank and special guest Dr Rob Marvenko, DC, for this compelling and intriguing journey into a master doctor’s report of findings and an expert view of how to create lifetime patients. Listen up as Dr Rob discusses how to make a solid close that creates corrective, maintenance and referring patients who live a wellness lifestyle. Tune in now!