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Tag: chiropractic marketing

e36 How to Kill Your Debt Before It Kills Your Practice

Join Frank has he re-joins financial genius P. Christopher Music of Econologics to explore the possibilities of getting out of debt and what implications it has on creating a 7, 8 figure practice or more. Find out how debt effects the growth of the practice and how your very attitude about it may be killing your practice before it even gets anywhere. Check out the Private Practice Millionaire website here.

e27 Speak the F*^% Up (Guilty Bystander)

Almost a continuation of the last episode, Frank is both pumped and pissed all at the same time. Learn the 3 groups involved in the fate of your practice, who’s with you and who’s against you and who is on who’s side. You can’t grow your practice with any chiropractic marketing until you understand a thing or two about these three groups. Tune in, buckle up and get the hot dope on what Frank has in store for you next.

e26 Put Up or Shut the F*^% Up!

Frank is both FIRED UP and PISSED OFF all at the same time. “If you’re engaging in chiropractic marketing or any practice growth and it’s not fun, you hate what you do!” is one of the themes discussed in this unscripted, unorthodox podcast Frank does off-the-cuff without so much as a script or outline. Join Frank as he steps it up to levels unknown of motivation and decision on whether you are in or out in terms of what you’re doing in practice. WARNING: Not for the meek, weak, unmotivated or especially the victim!

e25 How to Cut Through the Noise and Get Heard

You need to diversify chiropractic marketing to achieve practice growth. But how do you cut through the “noise” that prospects and even former patients are tuning out? How do you get their attention and how do you keep it for the long term? Join Frank and special guest Barry Coziahr of Response Targeted Marketing for things you definitely didn’t know about email engagement of prospects and patients without fail!

e24 It’s a Long Way to the Top If You Wanna Rock (Your Practice)

AC/DC said, It’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock ‘n roll” but how long is the way to the top for you? You ask “I’m doing all this marketing where is everybody?” Why doesn’t your chiropractic marketing seem to be growing your practice? Is practice growth even possible? How do you expand in the face of adversity and make it like many famous entrepreneurial types have done in the past? Tune in as Frank discusses in depth how to calculate it and keep patient and sane while spending the real-time it takes in this very special episode of the podcast!

e23 Medicine Is Finally Dead

How do you grow your practice is a great question but, WHY grow it? Have you ever taken the time to imagine what the world would look like without medicine? What if you became a primary care physician? Have you visualized the future of your practice in such a world? How about in this world? What strategy should you be using today to create practice growth of tomorrow? Tune in of a different look at your task at hand and some advice on how to make a bigger change than just the size of your practice with a future you maybe never thought possible!

e22 How to Create a Wellness-Based Practice, Even If You’re Insane

How can you use the bad habits of everyone in your community to create an influx of prospective patients walking through the door and spark practice growth? What do these bad baits have to do with a wellness-based practice? What crazy, absurd chiropractic marketing things have been done to create wellness patients? You will never believe it! Join Frank as he tells all!

e21 The Lifetime Patient Ladder

Why do we want New Patients so badly? Why do we get burned out in search of them? Why is it a never-ending, sometimes annoying process to get them? Did you know that top practices don’t focus predominantly on new patients? In fact they can care less. Tune in and listen as Frank reveals a “Lifetime Patient Ladder” he discovered that eliminates the burnout and gives you the practice volume you desire and beyond.

e20 How to Become a Private Practice Millionaire

What is your future? Students and practicing docs alike… Your practice future is mapped out, or is it? Even if you have your practice goals mapped out, is it set up to be transferred at a profit and to fuel life after chiropractic? What about all the things you want to do in ADDITION to grow your practice. Join Frank and his VERY SPECIAL GUEST P. Christopher Music, Financial Planner who has the world’s first “results-based” (not sales-pitch-based) financial planning methodology. Find ut how to prosper beyond your dreams in your personal and professional lives no matter where you are in the game – even college!